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Batohy už dávno nejsou pouze sportovním doplňkem či nezbytným zavazadlem pro studenty. V dnešní době jsou stylové dámské batohy běžnou součástí módního světa a dají se nosit i k šatům, přičemž dokážou...
Rok 2023 byl pro značku PRM rokem zásadních změn a úspěchů, které upevnily její postavení na trhu luxusního streetwearu a high-fashion módy. Otevření prvního konceptu prodejny PRM ve Varšavě, v prestižní...
Připoj se k nám a SLEDUJ své OBLÍBENÉ BLOGY, piš PRO BLOGERKY, získej hodnotné dárky či pozvání na zajímavá setkání a buď součástí největšího dynamického obsahu. Stačí se jen zaregistrovat...
I sit here at my table, obligatory coffee at close hand, dog snoozing in the corner, and I appear a little sad. I'm sad because this is the last blog post on this blog that I'll ever write. BUT... I'm also elated because as one door closes another door (a really sparkly, exciting one), opens. The...
Have you heard of PAPERSELF, the world’s leading paper art brand for lashes? Rihanna and Anne Hathaway have and so has Jennifer Laurence in The Hunger Games since they've all worn them. I fell in love with hem a few seasons ago at London Fashion Week, back in...
For me, mascara makes the biggest improvement to my face so I often just apply that and nothing else if I want to look alive but am in a hurry. If you're looking for a mascara that makes your lashes noticeably thicker, darker and longer - I may have found it for you. This video will take you...
Before I became a Mum, I used to feel that I had to achieve 'it all' before having kids; go on that holiday, travel here, get this far in my career, party there. But now I feel proud of the fact that my son is going to see how hard I try - every day -...
I recently taught a class on how to comfortably walk...
Modern girls work harder and longer hours than ever these days. But it seems with all the hard work we put into our careers, we forget something even more important - ‘me time’. ‘ Me time’ is very important , yet most women don’t allow it themselves as they feel guilty or lazy. Trust me, ladies;...
You want to buy your man a present. Maybe it’s his birthday, your wedding anniversary, or you simply want to surprise him and show him how generous you can be. Nothing impresses men more than buying them quirky gifts...in my experience, anyway! If you’ve got a brain block and just can’t think...
Are you getting married this spring? Well, you are about to be an even happier lady when you see what’s on trend in the wedding world for next season. From boho glam to pretty pastels, be prepared to say “I want!” a lot while you browse through these stunning styles. 1. Wedding dresses...
So London Fashion Week draws to an end tomorrow. I'm hosting a class on how to (comfortably), walk - and last the day- in high heels at myhotel Chelsea to mark the occasion, which is really exciting. But in terms of fashion trends, if we take note of all the AW15 shows, it looks like we’ll be wearing...
When money is tight most of us start looking at fashion as multi-purpose (or should do)! We need pieces that will work in a variety of outfits and not just as a one-time wear. Clothing can be really expensive, especially as so much of it has become disposable. If you are looking for high-quality...
Spring will soon be here, and I always like to be prepared for upcoming seasons when it comes to my wardrobe. However, rather than just going with what seems to be in fashion in any given year, there are some fashion tips that I’ve stuck by through thick and thin. Here are some of my favourites:...
We all get to that stage when everything in our wardrobe or home just seems to look tired and outdated. The obvious solution would be just to go out and buy new things. But what happens when you are tied to a tight budget and you can’t seem to justify spending any more money on fashion or homeware?...
Generally speaking, women are always trying to work out what their perfect style is. This guide’s aim is to make it really simple for you to understand. We take into account your skin colour and body type to help you pick clothes that will look amazing when you wear them! Pale Skin ...
Fashion comes and goes, but style is forever. You can follow as many fashion fads as you like, but that doesn’t mean you are stylish. With that in mind, here are some of the best style tips of all time. They’ll always help you to look on point! See a Tailor If your clothes...
Let’s face it. Looking fabulous doesn’t come for free, and it doesn’t come easy. Refinement takes time, energy and a little money for the quality products and styling. Us girls may make it look natural, or we may make it look chic, but all of it takes the same hard work. As new styles come and go,...
There are certain special moments in life that must be celebrated in style. A landmark birthday, a promotion or dream job, and an engagement to the one you love are just a few examples. If you have something to celebrate this year, here are some super ideas on how you can mark this special occasion...
Image Credit You've heard of the WOB or 'wavy bob' in easy speak? I love how effortless it looks and if you happen to wake up with a head full of kinks and cow licks, you can work with it, making it ideal for time-short glamour! Recreate this textured...
When you are styling yourself, you are always on the lookout for the next big thing. The heels have to be right and that dress should be straight from the catwalks this season. Bags, lipgloss, and scarves are all inspired by what is new and trending. If it’s good enough for the A-listers, it is usually...
Moderní portál o bydlení, největší inspirace pro interiéry a exteriéry.